

Trust begins with security. We will be consistent in how we respond if we encounter a security vulnerability or incident, and be transparent about our program. Security will not be a barrier to adopting our software and services.

Accepting these Terms

If you access or use the Application, it means you agree to be bound by all of the terms below. So, before you use the Application, please read all of the terms. If you do not agree to all of the terms below, please do not use the Application. Also, if a term does not make sense to you, please let us know by e-mailing Registered users of our Applications are “Members” and unregistered users are “Visitors”. This Agreement applies to both.

Our goal is to build trust with every team. You'll find this at the center of everything we do.


You own your data, and we're committed to protecting your privacy. Our Privacy Policy explains what information we collect about you and why, what we do with that information, how we share it, and how we handle the content you place in our products and services. Our Guidelines for Law Enforcement Requests outlines our process for how we receive, scrutinize, and respond to government requests for customer information.


We get it, you need to validate compliance to trust a cloud service provider. We encourage and expect you to verify that our risk, privacy and security practices adhere to widely accepted standards and regulations. Our independent third-party advisors test our operations, our environment and our controls and provide their reports and opinions — which we share with you whenever possible.


We understand that in order for a cloud service to be useful, it has to be available. That starts with ensuring that services are built on top of a solid platform of core technologies, that we are proactive about hunting down possible points of failure, and we stress-test relentlessly. We publish our service availability status in real-time to ensure you can access your data when you want.


Salesier's (a product of CircleHD Inc.) QA team works with our development teams to ship features quickly and safely. At Salesier (a product of CircleHD Inc.), we optimized the QA process by empowering and educating developers to test their own features to our quality standards.